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WATCH: Who is Richer – Prophet Passion Java or Ginimbi?

Who is richer Ginimbi or Prophet Passion Java

WATCH: How To Easily Get a Teaching Job in Thailand from Zimbabwe

You can easily get a job as a teacher in Thailand from Zimbabwe. There are two groups namely native and non native: Zimbabwe is non native,...

New Episode: How to make real money and grow your business using Instagram

Mashall is a social media influencer, a fashion designer and a dancer. He managed to grow some of the biggest Instagram accounts in Zimbabwe with...

Zuva Habane Launches Summer Collection For Plus Size Women Clothing.

Zuva Habane is one of the most beautiful women in the entertainment business who can be called a jack of all trades. The queen launched...

MisRed questions Mthuli Ncube and Mangudya over new currency

Zimbabwe Socialite , Entrepreneur and Radio personality , Misred has voiced out her thoughts on the NEW currency announced yesterday by the RBZ. She put...

Watch John Mangudya speak on the new currency which Eddie Cross already preempt

Video by ZTN Today, John Mangudya has released a statement on the deliberations of the monetary policy committee. The keynote was the introduction of the new...

Nick Mangwana tries to dismiss report that government will introduce new currency in two...

The RBZ has issued a statement today on their official website on the deliberations of the monetary policy committee. The NewZimbabwe quickly interpreted this statement...

Olinda Chapel Now The New Oprah Winfrey Of Africa

Since we have known her in 2016 , no one can deny that Olinda is the queen of cameras , facebook posts , and...

ZFC Cries Foul as Partner Awards Tender to a New Player

The Emmerson Mnangagwa led government has allegedly shunned its partner Zimbabwe Fertiliser Company (ZFC) to participate in the Presidential Inputs Scheme (PIS) whilst secretly...

No Christmas spending this year for all employees

The Employers' Confederation (EMCOZ) said employees in Zimbabwe will not be getting any salary increase this year as its members can not afford to...

BREAKING: New Bigger Bank Notes Coming to Zimbabwe Soon from China – RBZ

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has confirmed that they are printing new higher denomination bank notes in China which will be in circulation soon. This...

Inside Tour of Joina City: The Biggest Mall in Harare CBD

A tour of the exterior and interior of the majestic Joina City reveals a masterpiece in architectural design and that there is hope for...

Watch: Zimbabweans vendors sell Zimbabwean products to avoid conflict with locals in Cape Town

On the video is Mr Munyaradzi 's table full of Zimbabwean products in Philipi Cape Town. Mr Munyaradzi is making a living from selling Zimbabwean...

National Railways of Zimbabwe Deal Collapses

The Zimbabwe government has cancelled a US$400 million deal with the Diaspora Infrastructure Development Group(DIDG). DIDG allegedly failed to provide proof of payments under the...

Old Mutual Zimbabwe Retrenches Hundreds of Employees

Old Mutual Zimbabwe has revised its retrenchment scheme package to encourage voluntary participation of employees as the company is currently forced to cut expenses...

Wicknell Chivhayo Appears in Court

Intratrek founder, Wicknell Chivhayo appeared at the Supreme court yesterday, 14 October 2019, for the hearing of his case over the Gwanda Solar Project. Writing...

Fuel price has risen 7 times in ED Mnangagwa’s first year in office

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority has this year hiked fuel prices for more than seven times, a change that led to an increase in...

Government now working on ‘ZUPCO combis’

As the economy of Zimbabwe continues on a downward spiral, it seems as if the government is not willing to do anything to turn...

RBZ lies about Nostro Accounts

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has rendered the information circulating on social media suggesting that the bank has changed its policy and administrative arrangements...

Opinion: Is Mthuli Ncube winning the war, Zimbabwe on the right path?

A Zanu Pf apologist handle has made the claim that the finance minister is winning the war though he is losing the battle. By this,...

Watch Live Zimpost workers strike over 30 dollars salary

Zimpost workers have staged a strike against management for a better wage. The workers are reported to be recieving an equivalent of 30 United States...

Standard Chartered Bank closes its Zim Branches

The Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) has closed 18 of its Zimbabwean branches leaving only three in operation, a move which has been attributed to...

Former ZMDC employees appeal to ED Mnangagwa

Former ZMDC employees have appealed to ED Mnangagwa over unpaid salaries. The letter was addressed to various ministers including minister Chitando and President's son. The writer...

Money in Nostrol Accounts to be converted to Zim Dollar

As Zimbabweans we wake up to new suprises every single day.2019 has been a year full of new rules and regulations from calling Zimbabwe...

Breaking: Fuel Price Hikes Again

Fuel prices have gone up again. $15.64 for diesel $14.97 for petrol the continuous rise of prices has been happening since last month on a weekly basis


George Charamba Slams Chamisa

Presidential spokesperson George Charamba has accused opposition leader Nelson Chamisa of missing opportunities for dialogue, hindering national unity and economic recovery. He stated that despite...
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