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Jaison Muvevi requests to be sent to remand than to remain in Police detention.

The court has allowed police to further detain Jaison until the 20th if January. The police requested to have Jaison in police custody because they...

Madam Boss Appointed Brand Ambassador of Diaspora Medicals

Prominent Zimbabwean comedienne, Tyra Chikocho better known as Madam Boss has been appointed brand ambassador of Diaspora Medicals.     The socialite took to social media to...

Terrence Mukupe says youths should vote for Takudzwa Mashumba in the upcoming By elections

Former Deputy minister of finance Terrence Mukupe has urged all youths to vote for Takudzwa Mashumba in the upcoming by elections. Most of the seats...

Chin’ono exposes names of councillors who approved the Pomona shaddy deal

Award winning journalist Hopewell Chin'ono has exposed names of councillors who approved the Pomona shaddy deal. Writing on social media, Chin'ono said after posting a...

Mwonzora is a top Zanu pf Supporter

Norest Marara has claimed that MDC T leader, Douglas Mwonzora is number 1 ZANU pf supporter in an interview. Marara said Mwonzora focuses his energy...

WATCH LIVE: Did Chamisa stage Kwekwe attack?

Watch LIVE as Gambakwe Media speaks to Mr Panganai Mhlanga about the attack on CCC President Key Points for discussion Was the attack on real? ...

Chamisa addresses 19 newly elected CCC MPs

Citizen Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa addressed 19 newly elected members of parliament after their swearing in, Tuesday. Writing on Facebook, Gift Ostallos said;...

Carl Niehaus opens criminal case against Ramaphosa

Former ANC spokesperson and NEC member Carl Niehaus along with other members of the ruling party has opened of case of money laundering and...

Chamisa dismisses calls for CCC congress

Citizen Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa has disputed calls for the newly formed political movement to hold an elective congress. This follows increased calls...

Thokozani Khupe Celebrates 58th Birthday

Zimbabwean politician, Thokozani Khupe celebrates her 58th birthday today. Khupe was born in Bulawayo on the 18th of November 1963. She is a mother of...

Duduzane Zuma elected new ANC branch chairperson of ward 11

Former South Africa president Jacob Zuma's son Duduzane has been elected as the new ANC branch chairperson of ward 11, eThekwini Region. The election comes...

Chamisa faction fails to agree on new name

The MDC Alliance faction led by Nelson Chamisa has failed to agree on a new party name for use in the upcoming by-elections. The party's...

Tafadzwa Mugwadi threatens people calling for the deportation of Passion Java

ZANU PF director for information Tafadzwa Mugwadi says Passion Java's freedom is guaranteed in Zimbabwe. This comes after more than 10000 people signed a petition...

Chin’ono advices Chamisa to stand with his persecuted leaders

Renowned journalist Hopewell Chin'ono has advised Nelson Chamisa to stand with his persecuted leaders. Writing on Facebook, Chin'ono said a political movement that doesn’t robustly...

CCC responds to new CCC

Citizen Coalition for Change spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere has responded to the new CCC that was launched today. Writing on Facebook, Mahere said they were aware...

Makomborero Haruzivishe granted $10 000 bail

The High Court of Harare has granted $10 000 bail to MDC A activist Makomborero Haruzivishe on charges of staging and illegal demonstration near...

WATCH LIVE: What the by elections results mean for ZANU-PF and Chamisa

WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media looks at the recent by election results and the implications for both ZANU-PF and Chamisa. Key Points for discussion  1. Rally...

Mwonzora Meets UN Special Rapporteur

MDC-T President, Douglas Mwonzora has met with the United Nations Special Rapporteur Professor Alena Douhan. Posting on Facebook, MDC-T said; ‘Today, President Douglas Mwonzora and his...

Adama Barrow re-elected The Gambia’s president

Adama Barrow has been re-elected as the President of the Republic of Gambia.   Barrow garnered 53 percent of the vote, according to results released by...

Hopewell Chin’ono slams South Africans again

Prominent Journalist Hopewell Chin'ono has slammed South African youths for lack of economic reforms. Writing on Facebook, Hopewell said there is huge unemployment in South...

WATCH LIVE: Is President Mnangagwa being sabotaged?

WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media speaks to Tinashe Jonas on the recently established team to investigate sabotage. Key Points for discussion: Who is sabotaging President...

Khupe endorses Nelson Chamisa

Recalled former MDC-T Vice President, Dr Thokozani Khupe has endorsed the candidates of CCC President, Nelson Chamisa for the 26 May By elections. Speaking during...

Pictures: Herbet Gomba Arrives at court

Former Harare mayor Herbert Gomba has arrived at the Harare Magistrates Court. Charges relate to using his father's address when registering as a voter. Gomba is...

Khupe campaigns for Chamisa in Bulawayo

Former MDC T leader Thokozani Khupe campaigned for Nelson Chamisa in Makhandeni-Entumbane District, Bulawayo today. Khupe led a door to door campaign mobilising citizens to...

Chin’ono says he will never run for political office

Popular award winning Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin'ono, has ruled out ever running for office in Zimbabwe. Chin'ono wrote: I have been asked in my inboxes so...


Austria Based Zimbabwean Superstar Changa Now Destitute

The artist Changa Nyamatsatse, born Tichatonga Chikoore who made a fortune from his hit song 'Memo' in the 90s has fallen on hard times. Changa...

Amir Mhaka Set Free

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