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WATCH LIVE: Chamisa begs Mnangagwa for a meeting- Guest: Dr Feddious Mutenheri

WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media speaks to Dr Feddious Mutenheri about recent developments in Zimbabwean politics. In today's weekend, we are looking at reports from...

BREAKING : Khuphe fights recall over secret meetings with Chamisa

Dr Thokozani Khuphe, the MDC Alliance Vice President, has gone to court to stop MDC-T President, Douglas Mwonzora from recalling her. In her urgent court...

WATCH LIVE: South Africa wasting time deporting Zimbabweans?

WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media speaks to Tinashe Jonas about the Beitbridge border crisis and the ongoing operations by South African authorities to arrest...

Chin’ono produces new version of ‘Dem Loot’

Prominent journalist Hopewell Chin'ono has produced a new version of his corruption song 'Dem loot' Chin'ono took to social media to post the song he...

Hopewell says CCC has lost 25 seats in Bulawayo

Prominent journalist Hopewell Chon'ono says the Citizens Coalition for Change party has lost 25 seats after a High Court judge on Thursday barred 12...

WATCH : Chamisa fails to solve Masvingo double candidates

WATCH as CCC President, Nelson Chamisa, brought on the stage two of the party's candidates who are contesting as double candidates in ward 4,...

Chamisa refuses to reveal CCC constitution

Citizen Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa has refused to reveal the party's constitution. This comes after one CCC activist Ishmael Mazorodze quizzed Chamisa on...

Madam Boss Appointed Brand Ambassador of Diaspora Medicals

Prominent Zimbabwean comedienne, Tyra Chikocho better known as Madam Boss has been appointed brand ambassador of Diaspora Medicals.     The socialite took to social media to...

Terrence Mukupe says youths should vote for Takudzwa Mashumba in the upcoming By elections

Former Deputy minister of finance Terrence Mukupe has urged all youths to vote for Takudzwa Mashumba in the upcoming by elections. Most of the seats...

Chin’ono exposes names of councillors who approved the Pomona shaddy deal

Award winning journalist Hopewell Chin'ono has exposed names of councillors who approved the Pomona shaddy deal. Writing on social media, Chin'ono said after posting a...

Mwonzora is a top Zanu pf Supporter

Norest Marara has claimed that MDC T leader, Douglas Mwonzora is number 1 ZANU pf supporter in an interview. Marara said Mwonzora focuses his energy...

WATCH LIVE: Did Chamisa stage Kwekwe attack?

Watch LIVE as Gambakwe Media speaks to Mr Panganai Mhlanga about the attack on CCC President Key Points for discussion Was the attack on real? ...

Chamisa addresses 19 newly elected CCC MPs

Citizen Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa addressed 19 newly elected members of parliament after their swearing in, Tuesday. Writing on Facebook, Gift Ostallos said;...

Carl Niehaus opens criminal case against Ramaphosa

Former ANC spokesperson and NEC member Carl Niehaus along with other members of the ruling party has opened of case of money laundering and...

Fadzayi Mahere Slams Nick Mangwana

CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere has slammed Paul Mangwana for falsely alleging that Tendai Biti was not arrested yesterday. This comes after Mangwana said, “Contrary to...

Simba Chikanza gives Chin’ono 6hrs to apologise for defaming Journalists

United Kingdom based media personality Simba Chikanza has given Hopewell Chin'ono 6hours to apologise to journalist he has defamed. Writing on Facebook, Chikanza said Hopewell...

Messi welcomed at PSG like a goat.

World cup champion, Lionel Messi was given a guard of honor on his return to PSG by his teammates. The seven time Ballon d'or winner...

Tsitsi Dangarembga endorses Nelson Chamisa

Novelist Tsitsi Dangarembga has endorsed MDC A leader Nelson Chamisa ahead of the 2023 presidential elections. Writing on twitter, Tsitsi said Chamisa's message on the...

ZEC Invites Applicants to Observe By-elections

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is inviting applicants from observers and the media for accreditation to observe by elections.     The applicants will observe the By-elections...

Mwonzora announces 5 March 2022 MDC-T ordinary congress date

MDC T leader Douglas Mwonzora says the party's ordinary congress will be held on the 5th of March 2022. In a statement, Mwonzora said the...

Police arrest CCC activists for wearing Nelson Chamisa regalia

Police in Harare on Thursday arrested five opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activists, including one pedestrian, on a charge of public nuisance, but...

Phophi Ramathuba says she is not apologising for her xenophobic comments

Limpopo Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba has responded to outrage caused by her xenophobic comments in a video that circulated yesterday. Speaking to SABC, Ramathuba said...

Jonathan Moyo’s ideological fight with CCC intensifies

Self exiled former cabinet Minister Jonathan Moyo's ideological fight with Citizens Coalition for Change has intensified Moyo clashed with the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change...

Hopewell Chin’ono slams Khupe again

Popular award winning Zimbabwean journalist, Hopewell Chin'ono, has once again slammed Dr Thokozani Khupe and urged CCC President, Nelson Chamisa, not to entertain her. Chin'ono...

Kasukuwere’s Legal Team To Mount New Challenge Against High Court Judgement.

Savior Kasukuwere's legal team has promised to mount new challenge to Supreme Court. This comes after the ruling that Kasukuwere's appeal has been disqualified as...


Minnie Baloyi to engage VP Chiwenga over Marry Mubaiwa

Second lady Minnie Baloyi is set to engage her husband Vice President Constantino Chiwenga over Mary Mubaiwa's case. This comes after one of Baloyi followers...
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