Businessman and gospel musician Mudiwa Hood has come up with four lessons on how to become a master in business.

Writing on Facebook, Mudiwa said prayer, fasting and being close to a man of God is not in the sucess equation.

He said:

Dear Mentee

Do you want to be a MASTER IN BUSINESS ?

Prayer 🙏🏽, Fasting and being close to munhu waMwari is not in the SUCCESS EQUATION.

Business is a matter of applying principles. Putting in the work… simple

What prayer does is it increases grace, GRACE paired with information is DEADLY…

Bible said my people perish because they lack knowledge (information).

Create a personal relationship with God, do not let your pastor do this for you…

Even when you read the bible, do not read like you are reading a novel. It is indeed a life manual, and most importantly, relative to business, an inspirational book that will teach you and show you the way forward.

Jesus said I am the Way…, the Truth and the Life…Surely he is the way…

This is 05:40am on Friday 26 May 2023.
Am jus done reading the Book of Samuel, 1st Samuel 9 before i get ready for work.

Lesson 1.

When the donkeys got lost, it brought about an opportunity for those that we work with to contribute meaningfully in our lives.

Do not see every problem as a problem, at times it is God creating opportunities for you the hard way because you are too comfortable where you are right now.

It took a problem for Saul to see his servant differently. The servant knew of a prophet who could help, and referred Saul to the Prophet Samuel who was eventually helped with finding donkeys.


The SIGN POST to go to Mutare is not in Mutare but in Harare, the sign post to Capetown is not in Capetown but in Pretoria.

There are people who are lowly placed in our lives, but in truth, they could be our DESTINY HELPERS. They might not be where we want to go, but surely they could point to us the direction to where we want to go.

VALUE people! respect and honor them regardless of societal status, financial status or their political preferences…life changing help could come from them one day😏.

Lesson 2

When Saul and his servant met Prophet Samuel, the Prophet dismissed the servant and asked Saul to stay😏.

Elevation demands Separation.

There are places and conversations that even your close buddies should not be part of. They helped you yes, but their purpose is done.

Do not be stuck with old friends who are dragging your life and businesses, for the longest 😢, just because you grew up together. Move on!

Thats why an expensive Lambo has 2 seats 💺 💺, and a bus has 75.

The higher you go, the less crowded it becomes.

Lesson 3

The Prophet, Samuel told Saul that God instructed him to anoint Saul to be the King over Israel.

It took a loss, for Saul to get his promotion. If the donkeys 🫏 were not lost, Saul will not have met Samuel and be annointed


Do not easily give up when life gets tough, No! Sometimes it is in that moment that you could get an opportunity to achieve your greatest fit in life.

God communicates in different ways, at times ask your self… isn’t God communicating something.

You got fired from work, you can’t find a job, you just divorced, it seems you lost the donkeys too…

Wangu, do not sit back and jus whine about it… lets turn over a to a new page

Romans 8vs28

And we know that ALL THINGS work together for GOOD, to them that love God and to them that were called according to his purpose.

As long as you still feel that pulse, God will always have a plan for you!

Lesson 4

1st Samuel 10:14 -16

When Saul left Samuel the prophet, on his way back home, he met his uncle who asked him what the prophet said… Saul only spoke about the donkeys ONLY! Nothing about being a king.

Learn to be secretive. Not every Tendai, John, Peter, Amanda and Tinashe needs to know all details about your plans.

WHEN YOU BUILD, build in Silence 🤫, the enemy will not know what to attack!

If they ask about your business, talk about the donkeys NOT you becoming a king…

Be Secretive, not everyone is happy with your progress

