I want to draw my attention to the pax seat side, please take a close look that dust is NOT dust that has just settled during a recent accident and if you look to the nearside of the left paxside you can clearly see that the car was hit by something that can only be a car or something that has a potential to exert great impact and force..what is the object or cause of that pax side door’s damage?

The dust onto the roof of the car ,it can be easily argued from a mere naked eye observation that the soil/ dust colour is not a true likeliness to the surrounding environment soil sample as the dust appear reddish/brownish whereby the surroundings appear a grey/chalk like soil😳if you look closely on the ground there are no visible tyre markings/skidding which we would be expecting as a result of a car during an accident….no tyre/skid markings🥺am sure the pixs were taken soon after the accident and I would have expected to see some engine fire or damage of fire as claimed yet inside of the car there is no fire damage🥺where and who are the other victims?

That windscreen no blood from the impact or broken bones or death?🤦‍♀️🙆‍♀️🥺