Zvishavane residents have expressed shock after local businessman , Evans Kujinga (42) was buried at 8pm this week.

Kujinga was well known among the community for his generosity.

However, locals said the night burial was unusual and suspect that it is connected to satanic rituals.

However, Kujiga’s sister and family spokeswoman, Happiness Kujinga refuted the allegations and said Kujinga was a Christian and he did not leave instructions to be buried at night.

Happiness told the H-Metro newspaper that the delays in digging the grave was because the ground was hard and the diggers kept encountering hard rocks.

She said the family refuses to accept heavy duty digging equipment from the Zvishavane council because they did not want to affect the nearby graves of their relatives.

Happiness said BOSS Kujie was well loved in the community and hundreds of informal Miners came to mourn him.