Marry Mubaiwa has blamed Emmerson Mangangwa for failing to save from her ex husband VP Constantino Chiwenga.

Mubaiwa said Mnangwagwa is fully aware that all allegations laid against her are false however he has chose to persecute her.

Writing on social me Marry said, “I don’t sleep because of fear, I have been surrounded, it is up to my President to end this fabrication, I am exhausted, people have disappeared in the eyes of the public”.

Marry Mubaiwa yesterday had her trial on money laundering and externalisation charges postponed to November 2 pending medical results to ascertain whether or not she is fit to comprehend trial proceedings.

Marry added that if she dies todat it is because of her ex husband Chiwenga’s use of state human resources to eliminate her.

Below is the note she shared on social media