Popular award winning Zimbabwean journalist,  Hopewell Chin’ono, has today addressed allegations that he was a credit card fraudster in the UK in the early 2000s.

Chin’ono also showed his BBC press card for the first time.

Writing on Facebook,  Chin’ono said:

20 years ago I was working as a journalist at the BBC in London, but according to Varakashi, I was robbing banks😂😂😂

I was trained by some of the best broadcasters in the industry before I came back home in 2003.

The ZANUPF regime blocked my accreditation, and that begun my struggle for freedom journey!

At times I ignore the stupid things that Varakashi say especially the lies about my London days because they are meant to distract me and the citizens from focusing on the real issues!

As Alex Magaisa said yesterday, if a person says that a woman is a man, should that woman run around the village naked to prove that she is not a man?

Our society should NEVER be distracted or follow stupid clowns in their attempt to defend looters because in so doing, we end up being judged by history as the real clowns who allowed ourselves to be distracted!

Our nation is in deep pain due to corruption and misgovernance, we shouldn’t tolerate clowns on Facebook Live to distract us!

They are planted there to do just that and nothing else! Be wise, be focused!

Good night!
