The Star Newspaper reports that a woman has taken her former husband to court after he dumped her, just one week after she spent over R300 000 on their wedding.

The woman, who was not named, told the court that she dated the man for over 2 years before they decided to get married.

A week after the marriage, her new husband changed, started humiliating her and eventually asked her to leave.

The ex-wife believes that when the man married her, he was no longer in love with her.

She said since they were married out of community of property, she is now stuck with the R300 000 wedding loan.

However, the court found that it was the woman’s choice to pay for the wedding expenses and therefore did not allow her to proceed with the claim for financial loss.

She was however allowed to proceed with her claim for injured feelings.

Please read the full story in today’s the Star Newspaper – 7 October 2020