Johane Marange born Muchabaya Momberume to Fullen Momberume his father near Bondwe Mountain in the Marange Tribal lands of Southern Rhodesia.

Marange had two brothers, Aneroid and Konorea after his father was in a relationship with the Chiefs Daughter and thus he was assimilated into the family because he could not pay bride price hence he became known as Chief Marange’s son.

In 1917 it is said that Muchabaya received the Holy Spirit while heading cattle and was told that he was to be named John the Baptist and people went to report him to the chief after they heard him speaking in tongues.

The chief thought the boy was possessed by an evil spirit and that he had to be sent back to his father because he was speaking about God and in that time, only missionaries were allowed to talk about God.

After Muchabaya conteplated about registering a church his father wanted to disown him however after Fullen consulted Traditional healers, They confirmed that God was under control.

When Muchabaya managed to convince the missionaries to register his church, Marange then confessed that this was his son after seeing that the missionaries liked him.

Not so long after, Marange started his own church, Sangano Remapostori and became known as the first church to be led by a black person.

Between 1917 and 1930 Marange continued preaching and performing miracles, and also gave prophecies of the armed struggle that was going on against the white Rule.

Marange welcomed everyone to his church hence he gained more popularity amongst poor people who could not attend churches like Methodist and Roman Catholic.

He later passed on in 1963 after introducing the white garment as the regalia for his church and earning respect amongst different dinominations.