Business mogul Tinashe Manzungu held discussions with senior advisor to the office of sanctions coordination in the US State Department Mr Brad Brooks-Rubin over the partial removal of sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Taking to Facebook, Manzungu said he had the opportunity to sit with Brad through his invitation.

“After a long discussion on this matter we agreed to take a position to engage American businesses on the new page on dealing with Zimbabwe through Trade missions,among other interactive plateforms”.

Tinashe is a multilingual business mogul with extensive professional and entrepreneurial experience, who has established various businesses in Zimbabwe.

Manzungu said Brad promised to help out on any business that may shy away a Zimbabwean business pointing on sanctions.

“However we agreed to continue working around on advocating for the total removal of the remaining list of individuals and companies as we move torwards a renewed Zimbabwe who is a friend to all. Good times are coming!”, added Manzungu.