WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at Mnangagwa’s actions which showed that he was preparing for a coup.

Please watch the video above this post for more details.


1. Panic gripped security services in Zimbabwe yesterday after bomb scare.
2. Mnangagwa believed that a coup was in progress.
3. Zimbabwe National Army website has been shut down. This is part of the incident response protocol to prevent communications of the coup.
4. Newspapers do not have any new details on the Victoria Falls bomb scare.
5. Harare Airport and Victoria Falls Airports now open.
6. Mnangagwa’s government is facing major destabilisation
7. A secret powerful force is embarrassing Mnangagwa in public.
8. Generals believe that Mnangagwa wants to eliminate them before seeking a third term.
9. In Masvingo, Mnangagwa was given a tractor that did not start up as it had no diesel.
10. A video is trending of Mnangagwa complaining about the army band playing the wrong national anthem.
11. Chamisa Tweet.
12. Job Sikhala gives direction on Moreblessing Ali funeral.
13. Monica Mutsvangwa has resigned? Claim made by Kerina Mujati.
14. Tendai Masamhanda eviction has been suspended pending ruling from the supreme court.
15. Masamhanda now represented by Lovemeore madhuku.
16. ZBC CEO Adelaide Chikunguru has resigned while facing disciplinary action. Robson Mhandu’s contract has not been renewed.