WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the dramatic events of today which forced Mnangagwa’s flight to be turned back from its destination in Victoria falls:

Please watch the video above this post for more details:

  1. The email that forced Mnangagwa to abandon his trip was received by Fastjet and it read credible bomb/firearms threat boarding airzim BUQ to VFA 1 march 24 and other flights that day. was part of the operation but could not go through with it my self. targets are flights and the conference in VFA. they know i have absconded so flight dates may change but original plan was tommorow. have armed militia already in VFA staying at nl and shearwater explorers village, may have moved already. some armed colleagues and bombs already in VIC FALLS . Threat is imminent. alert authorities immediately.
  2. The email was sent as soon as Mnangagwa left Harare. This is because it took bout 40 minutes for military structures to respond.
  3. Chiwenga continued with the address because the threat was targeted specifically at Mnangagwa.
  4. This evening, Airforce commander Elson Moyo has been fired.
  5. Army Generals no longer eating food at the army bases.
  6. All soldiers had their weapons taken away.
  7. Mnangagwa faces military threat over third term and conditions of service in the miitary.
  8. Mnangagwa has made destabilising changes in the army through appointment of his son.