Former minister of education David Coltart has congatulated Fabion Vanganayi for graduating with a Master of Accountancy.

Posting on social media, Coltart said, “I am celebrating our @mdczimbabwe Accountant Fabion Vanganayi who graduates today with a Degree – Master of Accountancy .

“His thesis was on “The Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs on SMEs in Zimbabwe: A Case of Siyaso (Magaba) Market Entrepreneurs. This has been a superb effort.”

“Fabion has faithfully worked for
@mdczimbabwe during this time, most of the time with no pay.

In 2017, Fabion was taken to the police for defrauding the ZIFA governing body.

“He has diligently prepared our accounts & done everything to ensure that Treasury can work as well as possible under the treacherous conditions we face”.