One of the greatest voices to grace the local music scene, Rockford Josphat, who had disappeared from the music scene, is back with a bang.
Affectionately known as Roki, the crooner’s new offerings, Zviriko and Uchandifunga, have rekindled his love with the fans.
His latest masterpiece, “Uchandifunga” has garnered more than a million views on Youtube in four days, with Roki becoming the first Zimbabwean to hit 1,2 million views in 4 days.

Sources  revealed that Roki is expected to bring in DRC rhumba legend Koli Olomide and Tanzania superstar Ray Vanny.

Kofi Olomide announced his coming back with a collaboration with Tanzania’s best artist Diamond platimun which hit platinum on various music platforms.
Ray Vanny who is signed under Wasafi records led by Diamond Platinum has also been making waves in Tanzania over the past months with his collaborations with Zuchu .

The pair is expected to jet in to work with the Zimbabwe legend in a few days as Passion Java records is making all the necessary arrangements.

Meanwhile, social media is awash with reactions from music enthusiasts, with some raising eyebrows over this huge gain in a short space of time.

However, most are celebrating Roki’s achievement as they believe he has potential to conquer the local music industry, judging from his past.