UFIC founder, Prophet Makandiwa, has gone on a fund raising drive for a prayer mountain project that he is developing.

Makandiwa said he has obtained land and will be constructing rooms where People can come and pray for free.

Makandiwa Bank Account

Makandiwa says he wants to develop the prayer mountains after the lockdown. He said no one will need to pay to spend time in that area.

Makandiwa said there will be many people coming to the prayer mountain, and these large numbers will need to be managed.

Makandiwa spoke at length about ‘fasting money’ just like how they fast food.

He said fasting money is the only way to prove that one is not under the influence of money.

He said money can lead people astray thus God declared that people cannot serve two masters at once.

He said money is playing a role of sustenance as people think that they cannot survive without it.

Makandiwa said those that give more to the poor the receives the blessing of the poor thus they continue to live in poverty because the bible says blessed is the hand that giveth than the hand that receiveth.

Please watch the video above this post for more details.