Outspoken Award winning journalist, Hopewell Chinono, has slammed MDC Alliance leader,  Nelson Chamisa  and his party saying they cannot deliver change due to a poor strategy and lack of service delivery.

In a series of tweets, Chinono said ZANU PF cannot be accused for all council failures but MDC members should take responsibility because of the quality of councilors they elect.

“Denial is MDC-T’s biggest weakness”, he said.

The journalist went on to mention that to fix the country’s problems the party must stop being defensive and start acting.

“An opposition that is based on Praise and worship will self destruct and never succeed”, he added.

He further added that the MCD-T mut accept that most of its problems were authored by their former leader late Morgan Tsvangirai.

“ZANU PF took advantage of his reckless decisions. Don’t just blame ZANU PF, ask how ZANU PF got a through pass to score”, said Chinono.

Moreover Chinono said Chamisa needs to change his strategy or else he will lose the 2023 elections.

“He has a mountain to climb that will need more than prayer to overcome. We have been praying for 20 years. He needs political gumption, or else 2023 will be ZANUPF’s!”, he added.