Award winning international Zimbabwe journalist,  Hopewell Chin’ono has hit back at Passion Java, calling his actions, tomfoolery.

Chin’ono wrote:

In a normal country, these youths would be at work or university doing their postgrad studies.

By encouraging this Tomfoolery, the youths will start thinking that they too can make it through unconventional means and at times corrupt pathways, and the system likes that.

This creates a side show of hope stopping the youths from asking the hard questions to the authors of their misery, the regime!

They are no longer bothered about why they don’t have water as they follow these freak shows!

The fact that within our midst there are people who defend this shows how broken and tragic our society has become!

I won’t stop talking about these side shows because when I talk I don’t do so for likes or Retweets!

I will say the most unpopular things as long as my moral compass tells me that I am right!

If I don’t do that, I will also have to answer to future generations why I kept quiet!

We have a mindset problem!!!