Morgan Komichi had an interview with 263 chat on Friday Afternoon. I want to summarise my view of the current situation in the MDC based on this interview.


Komichi basically challenged Nelson Chamisa to leave the real MDC and see if he was as popular as he thinks. Komichi says in the past, people who thought they were popular found out that voters are loyal to the party and not an individual e.g. Biti and Ncube when they broke away, they found themselves without any support.


  • The MDC Should respect the Supreme Court Judgement. All MPs, Councillors and Senators belong to MDC T therefore Nelson Chamisa cannot withdraw from Parliament , It is illegal to ask MPs to Withdraw.
  • Komichi will be calling caucas meetings for MPs, Senators and Councillors.
  • Chamisa has been approached through Emissaries to come and work with others and he refused to discuss with the legitimate MDC leaders claiming that they are working fir ZANU-PF
  • No current councillors and MPs are prepared to leave the MDC. They are not here for individuals but for the core values of party.
  • Komichi says he can not be dismissed from MDC by people that do not belong to the MDC. MDC Alliance is not an political party but an electoral pact which was formed by Morgan Tsvangirai composed of 7 political parties.
  • MDC-T is still a member of the MDC Alliance and the leader of the MDC-T is the leader of the MDC Alliance. At the moment the MDC Alliance has no leader. A meeting of the MDC Alliance will be called after the EOC.
  • Chamisa, Biti and Ncube can not transform the MDC Alliance into a political party. Tendai Biti did not dissolve PDP as a party, it is being led by Matibenga and still exists. Welshman Ncube dissolved his party to join MDC-T, in writing.Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti benefited from an illegal process but they know the truth.
  • Within a few months, people will turn against Chamisa if he insists on an illegal process.
  • Komichi says Biti, Ncube, Khuphe were all labeled ZANU-PF Agents when they went off. Komichi says he has never taken ZANU-PF money.
  • At the moment MDC is reorganising structures led by Abedinigo Bhebhe and he has been in touch with all Organisers.
  • Extraordinary Congress has 2 deadlines: 30 June and 30 July and they will be met.
  • On Political Finances Act Funds : Ncube has 4 MPs, Biti has 4 MPs and MDC-T has the rest of the MPS and will get the rest of the funds.
  • 60% of all Provincial and District Structures have been contacted. Target is 75%. The congress will be oversubscribed.
  • Churches, ZCTU and other parties will be engaged for engagement.


  • Morgani Komichi will contest the MDC Presidency at the Extraordinary congress
  • Khuphe is likely to fail to organise the MDC EOC by end of June, therefore the EOC will be in the hands of Morgan Komichi and Douglas Mwonzora.
  • Komichi believes that they are the legitimate MDC.