Speaking to the press in Bulawayo this week, Nelson Chamisa said he had hoped to have dialogue with ED Mnangagwa but Mnangagwa is not available for Dialogue.

Chamisa said Dialogue is the only way forward, but Mnangagwa has not responded to Thabo Mbeki despite committing.


Chamisa said there is a legitimacy crisis in Zimbabwe, which is manifesting itself at 2 levels:

Electoral legitamacy level

Performance level (Economy is going down)

While ZANU-PF says the crisis is an Economic Sanctions crisis, the MDC says its an economic crisis. So there is the difference in understanding of the crisis.

At the foundation of MDC’s approach is a comprehensive reform genda.

Nation Building

The needs to be national convergence on National healing so that people can come forward.

National Engagement

You can not have International Engangement without National Engagement.

POLAD is a choir, everyone is in agreement. The MDC has a difference with ZANU-PF

Economic Situation

There is need for people to be rescued from the food situation in the country

Chamisa also laid out the Agenda 2020 document that was recently launched by the MDC.