•What you think is money isn’t money at all. You’ve been deceived by the devil.
•God resolved our economic problems before we were even formed physically. He gave us something to trade with and the money he created he inserted value in it.
•There is commodity money and these are valuable items e.g. *cattle silver, gold* because within themselves value was placed by a superior being. They have intrinsic value. They got that value from a superior government. So if you’re not rich in those then you’re not rich.
•Big nations like America they seem to be way above all the economic hardships but they’re crying the same was we are crying here. But what they have to do is to store gold and then print out notes that represent the actual money in reserves. If you don’t have that which is represented by the notes then you don’t have money. Money is an altar.
•Money is an altar because those who have it, they can speak through it and influence people through it.
•There is feared currency. Governments and kingdoms had to declare over useless paper and declared that now this is money. It that which God gave value that should give value to the currency.
•Feared currency is a Latin word for *Let it be so* . All that we call money has been made money by governments that declared it to be money yet it is not money but just papers. There is no government institution that has power or anointing to create money but it is God’s money that create and give value to money/currency.
•We are leaving other countries to manage our money yet we are managing their papers. We have papers in our pockets that have been made money by a declaration by other people. The danger with this money is that the same people can wake up the next day and declare that it is no longer money and you’re left with nothing.
•You didn’t create money by creating a paper but you created a representation of money. If there is no money behind the paper then the paper is not money. The highest definition of money is in its ability to store value. Maintenance of value is what makes money, money.
•Its God who created money. We created currency. Economies must be run by money not currency. If you have a currency and there is no commodity value behind it then what you have is fake its counterfeit money. The reason why those making it are not being arrested is because they’re the ones who have the power to arrest others.
•What gives the USD$ value than our bond is the credibility of the government that made the declaration that it is money. The paper we have is representing the government and not money.
•The devil has managed to control our money yet we are busy setting up governments to manage other things that are not money. If you fight against altars and you don’t know how the devil has managed to control the economies then you’re not doing anything.
•We’ve taken that glorious part of God of making or creating money and we have given it some financial institutions. We are creating problems and then look for solutions. But if you’re faced with a problem that you didn’t create then you need a solution that you didn’t create, that’s where God’s money comes in.
•Many people are looking up to the governments for solutions yet the governments are the ones creating the problems. That’s what makes them governments. The moment they create solutions they’re out of power. They’ve power over you when you’re broke and downtrodden but when you have your own money then they don’t have any more power over you.
•When you go out to borrow money, the people you’re visiting to get money from they also don’t have money. When you ask for a loan that’s when they create it for you by forging numbers. They can create numbers for you and put them into your account and say we’ve given you money but they’ll ask you to give them money. They create money that is not backed up by money and they can even put interest on it.