This adds clarity to Media reports last week, which revealed that General Chiwenga had banned Mary from visiting him.

It was not clear at the time what had prompted such drastic measures.

General Chwienga also dismissed two of his CIO seconded boadyguards on suspicion of spying on him.

General Chiwenga’s team , through their own investigations, concluded that ED Mnangagwa managed to convince Mary to poison her own husband.

The poison was reportedly applied through touch. Mary would then rub the poison on her own hands and then during the course of day to day activities, transfer the posion to General Chiwenga.

However, Because Mary is not a professional, she did not do a good job.

She either applied too much, or did not wash it off properly, or did not understand the instructions, hence her hands ended up getting swollen.

If General Chiwenga was strong enough, he was definiely going to divorce her.

However, the deal was sealed when earlier this year General Chiwenga Officially married Mary.