National Executive Committee
Communique 30 August 2109 The National Executive Committee (NEC) met at the Party Headquarters in Harare at the Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House on the 30th of August 2019 to assess the political, economic and social situation in the country, in particular the recent crackdown by the Mnangagwa regime on innocent citizens, the continued closure of democratic space by the State and the general suffering of the majority of Zimbabweans The MDC @ 20:Celebrating courage, growth and people’s victories! The People’s Party of Excellence ;
NOTES this year as the party’s 20th anniversary since the formation on the 11th of September 1999. PROUD of having stayed the course for 20 years of struggle, resisting oppression and attacks by the oppressive regime yet managing to retain the confidence of the working people of Zimbabwe and producing critical democratic gains along the way. AWARE of the Mnangagwa ‘s failure to make any meaningful strides towards reforms both political and economic let alone respect of human rights and civil liberties. COGNISANT of the hostile takeover of the State in November 2017 as the Genesis of the legitimacy crisis and the subsequent escalation of illegitimacy which was occasioned by the stolen election of July 2018. CONCERNED about the State’s heavy handedness in the recent past especially during the planned demonstrations organised by the Party.
ENCOURAGED: by the vigilant and peace loving citizens who have decided to peacefully express their displeasure in the manner their socio-economic and political governance is being handled by the current administration. ACKNOWLEDGING that Zimbabweans, the region and the world once again see what there is no break from the pass and that the concerns raised by the people of Zimbabwe through the MDC are genuine. NOTING: The increased collapse of the socio-economic situation in Zimbabwe including runaway inflation, rising cost of living and crippling shortages causing unpalatable suffering to Zimbabweans. WORRIED about the recent ‘encouragement to oppress’ solidarity given to the Mnangagwa regime by SADC on the Zimbabwean crisis. SADC was misled and misinformed by the Mnangagwa regime hence the misbegotten position on the the true nature and character of the Zimbabwean crisis.The root cause of the crisis and challenges faced by Zimbabweans today is a crisis of governance and legitimacy. NOW THEREFORE
As a democratic and People’s Party of Excellence, adhering to constitutionalism and whose vision is to be “‘a leading, transformative, governing, inclusive, modern, knowledge-based, social democratic party anchored on the aspiration of the working people of Zimbabwe,” we outline the following: -the party will continue to lead People’s struggles for a democratic and prosperous Zimbabwe through peaceful and legal means as per the rights granted by the constitution of Zimbabweans
• Zimbabweans who continuously brave the harsh socio-economic conditions under the Mnangagwa regime are fast becoming impatient and are demanding better governance and reflection of their vote through economic empowerment, return to legitimacy and service delivery.
• The party motivated by its social democracy ideology, remains concerned by the national legitimacy crisis and will continue to put pressure on the regime to ensure that the following challenges are dealt with once and for all
- Corruption
- Unemployment
- Power and fuel shortage
- Cash shortages and the imposition of a debased currency
- Lack of genuine political and institutional reforms
- High cost of living and unaffordable prices of basic commodities
- Selective application of law
- Politicization and abuse of food aid
- Drug shortages and ill-equipped health facilities
- Human rights abuses characterised by clampdown on democracy and civic activists
• The recently documented human rights abuses at the hands of the regime on political activists and human rights defenders proves with no doubt that the so called second Republic has no will to transform. Therefore as a Party we resolved that:
(a) The MDC will restore the people’s vote through constitutional and peaceful actions as informed by our goal to “win elections, attain State power through democratic, nonviolent, constitutional means, and create a just equitable, sustainable democratic Zimbabwe.”
(b) The Party will endeavour to return the country to legitimacy, political stability and economic prosperity as informed by its five stages outlined in our transitional blue print RELOAD which are:
a. Political Pressure through political advocacy and actions
b. Genuine Dialogue
c. Transitional Mechanism agreed and put in place
d. Free and Fair Elections
e. Prosperous Zimbabwe
(c) Party members and Zimbabweans at large have to be informed on the party’s road map to legitimacy so as to enable them to participate in initiatives formulated by the party. To ensure that this happens the Party resolved to carry out RELOAD rallies that will be cascaded down to villages throughout the country.
(d) We maintain and sustain our peaceful engagement that will allow all Zimbabweans to participate in their quest to free themselves from the albatross of the current regime. These actions must be people driven and promotes unity on common grievances.
(e) The Party is now at an advanced stage in the preparations to commemorate its 20th Anniversary on the 14th of September to be hosted by Harare Province at Rufaro Stadium where Zimbabweans will celebrate courage, growth and people’s victories.
(f) Provinces will thereafter carry out Provincial Anniversary Commemorations to enable the Presidential and Party vision for the next year to reach out to all Zimbabweans.
(g) Given the sustained support that the party has continued to receive from its members and the generality of Zimbabweans the Party resolved that all MPs and Councillors should go back to their branch of origin and carry out “Thank You” rallies as a sign of appreciation for the support rendered my MDC members under the dark cloud of Mnagangwa’s military regime
(h) As a people’s party, through our party building strategy, the MDC adopted the branch roll out methodology and user a manual to be completed by 30th of November. This will enhance the party-citizen interface and understanding critical issues affecting the people and giving them a voice from the smallest unit of the party structure. The party is embarking on regrouping and restructuring.
(i) The following operational and institutional development systems where adopted: a. The People’s Party of Excellence will embark on a Global Advocacy Agenda starting with Africa Union and SADC.
b. Portfolio Committees and their Terms of References were adopted and one week was given week for those that are still outstanding
c. As part of our vision to be “…modern and knowledge based…” the part has designed a new electronic membership card that will be launched at the 20th anniversary commemorations.
d. Card to be sold at branches
e. New schedule of membership fees and underwriting fees was adopted
f. Morgan Richard Tsvangirai School Of Leadership and Ideology Development (MRT-SOLID) Board of Trustees adopted
g. After the post congress institutional reform agenda was embarked, Staff rationalisation was adopted.
h. Given the party’s position of zero tolerance on corruption and emphasis on 100% Excellence , the Party adopted the setting up mechanisms that will enhance transparency focusing our local councils and parliament.
(I) Special National Council will be held on the 13th of September 2019.
(j) The party shall hold its 20th Anniversary to on the 14th of September 2019 at Rufaro Stadium to celebrated two decades of existence under the theme; MDC@ 20 :Celebrating courage, growth and people’s victories! Chalton Hwende
MDC Secretary General Mdc@20 Celebrating courage, growth and people’s victories !