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Fearful ED Mnangagwa Now Guarded by Over 20 Men

The New close protection security team of ED Mnangagwa has over 20 men. In addition to the military 'Yellow Berets' ED Mnangagwa Now has a...

ED Mnangagwa Captures Leo Mugabe To Spread Confusion Over Mugabe’s Burial

At this point in time, all Zimbabweans and even the international community are fed up with the Mugabe burial drama. No one really cares...

Robert Mugabe Mausoleum Construction already started

The construction of the controversial mausoleum which has stopped the burial of the Late Zimbabwe founding Leader Cde Robert Mugabe has started. A video is...

Mugabe’s losing Blueroof Mansion and other houses?

In a twist of events new information has emerged that all of Mugabe's houses are registered under Zanu pf and Zanu pf has uses...

Mugabe Was In Hospital For Only 5 Days – Patrick Zhuwao

Self exiled Patrick Zhuwao, a nephew to Mugabe has revealed that the late former president Mugabe was in hospital for five days only. Bitter and...

The true life story of Christopher Mutsvangwa

Early life Born Christopher Hatikure Mutsvangwa on the 24th of May 1955 in Harare. Mutsvangwa grew up in Mbare.   Family Spouse- Monica Mutsvangwa nee Parirenyatwa (Minister of Information) Son-...

Mary Chiwenga Refuse To Attend Robert Mugabe’s Funeral As Prophet Warns Her Of Food...

Mary Chiwenga was absent from Robert Mugabe's funeral as she feared suspected food poisoning. Her husband has become a victim of such. It is reported...

OPINION: Mugabe Sons To Form An Opposition Party !!

Soon after the demise of their father, the sons of the founding father of Zimbabwe have displayed political ambitions. Speculations had initially suggested that...


Speaking at the Robert Mugabe funeral procession at the National Sports Stadium today, President ED Mnangagwa has thanked Grace Mugabe of loving and taking...

Self Exiled Thomas Mapfumo Trashes Mugabe’s Hero Status, Heaps Praises On Nelson Chamisa

Self exiled singer Thomas Mapfumo has trashed Robert Mugabe's heroes status. He labelled Mugabe as a thief, tyrant and betrayer of the liberation movement. Mapfumo...

Watch ED Mnangagwa Get Humiliated As The Whole Stadium Sings Nelson Chamisa

The whole National Sports Stadium today was brought to a stand still after MDC supporters began to sing solidatirity songs for Neslon Chamisa. Nelson Chamisa...

Its Mnangagwa Who Is Hurting Zimbabweans, NOT Sanctions- Hopewell Chin’ono

E.D has been accused of hurting ordinary Zimbabweans while hiding behind sanctions. Popular journalist Hopewell Chin'ono made the remarks accusing Mnangagwa for failing to...

Opposition party leader blasts Mugabe “mausoleum” burial demands

Zimbabweans opposition leaders have expressed their displeasure on Mugabe family for demanding a mausoleum burial for Mugabe. The general populace in Zimbabwe is struggling to...

Linda Masarira’s husband apologizes

Lead Leader's husband, Gilbert Kaingidza who was arrested last week for domestic violence against his wife Linda Masarira has publicly apologized to his wife,...

Thousands of Zimbabweans fail to attend Mugabe Funeral

The crowd at the national Sports Stadium couldn't fill even half the capacity of the giant stadium. Many hearts were so much willing to...

Ramaphosa apologises for X_enoph0bia

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa was booed by Zimbabweans as he was giving his speech at the funeral of Zimbabwe's founding leader, Robert Mugabe. Ramaphosa...

Ramaphosa booed at Mugabe funeral for X_en0phobia

The president of the Republic of South Africa could not deliver his speech after the mob prostested when he wanted speak. The Zimbabweans were...

Zanu PF calls Chamisa Cde

Interesting things are happening at the National Sports Stadium this afternoon as the Nation mourns it's founding father Cde Robert Mugabe. MDC Leader Nelson Chamisa...

OPINION: Nelson Chamisa Will Only Get VIP Seat Not A Speech At Mugabe Funeral

Nelson Chamisa has earned a VIP seat at the funeral of former president Robert Mugabe. However, Nelson Chamisa will not get any opportunity to...

Breaking! Mugabe death resurrects G40

The Zimbabwe Generation 40 (G40) Party now exists. It is not yet clear who leads the party as it has received it's notice of...

Strange: Grace Mugabe Not Attending The Robert Mugabe Body Viewing Ceremony

It has been disclosed that the late former president's wife Grace Mugabe is not going to attend the body viewing ceremony scheduled for today. The...

Richard Tsvangirai Blast Gambakwe Media Over Nelson Chamisa Post

Richard Tsvangirai has blasted Gambakwe Media over a "Nelson Chamisa" post which implicated him of blasting the party leader for considering Robert Mugabe as...

Saviour Kasukuwere Slams ED Mnangagwa over Mugabe Burial

Speaking At the EFF memorial rally in Johannesburg, Savior Kasukuwere slammed ED Mnangagwa for betraying Mugabe. Savior Kasukuwere said Julius Malema should give a signal...

Chaos at Mugabe funeral as dozens get injured

Chaotic scenes at Rufaro Stadium as mourners jostled to view the body of the Late Robert Mugabe. Hundreds of people are gathered at Rufaro...

Grace refuses to give in to E.D.

The embarrassment never  seems to end for E.D Mnangagwa as he had his first meeting with Grace at the blue roof since he became...


Austria Based Zimbabwean Superstar Changa Now Destitute

The artist Changa Nyamatsatse, born Tichatonga Chikoore who made a fortune from his hit song 'Memo' in the 90s has fallen on hard times. Changa...

Amir Mhaka Set Free

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