A devastating incident has shaken the city of Bulawayo, as a well-known businessman was found dead with a gunshot wound in an apparent suicide.

John Tafara Madzikatire, owner of Samaz Butchery at the popular koChigumira chill spot, was discovered lifeless in his black Mercedes in Cowdray Park suburb on Saturday night.

According to Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele of Bulawayo police, authorities are treating the case as a suicide, but investigations are ongoing. Madzikatire’s body was found with a gunshot wound to the head, and a large amount of cash in various currencies, including over US$4,000 and R19,000, was recovered from the scene.

Sources close to the investigation revealed that Madzikatire, a married father of two from Mutare, allegedly took his own life just meters away from his mistress’s residence. The motive behind the apparent suicide is still unclear, and police are working to uncover the circumstances surrounding Madzikatire’s tragic death.