Fawcett Security lost at least US$111 000 and R1.28million to a gang of at least five men, early Wednesday morning.

The raid took place just before 3am, in Chipinge town.

Police believe the robbers first targeted two Fawcett Security guards who were on rapid response duties and had parked their branded Isuzu KB250 in the town centre.

The robbers forced the Fawcett guards to hand over their jackets and caps, and two of them dressed themselves as Fawcett guards.

The gang then drove to the Fawcett depot at 1530 Gaza O Light Industry. They damaged all exterior security lights, broke the manager’s office window, and disconnected the power supply to the alarm system and siren.

With the guards all accounted for, the robbers used a grinder to open a Chubb door leading to the vault which had six cash boxes.

The robbers took turns to break the padlock keys of the six different metal cash boxes and took all the cash, loading it into the Fawcett vehicle.