ZANU-PF loyalist, Owen Mudha Ncube has publicly urged Zanu-pf youths to take action against Zanu-Pf critics and opposition leaders.

In a video circulating on social media, Mudha targeted Ostallos Siziba and Job Sikhala, stating they should not be allowed to speak out against Zanu-pf

“You can’t allow Job Sikhala and Ostallos Siziba to insult Zanu-pf, they must be stopped,” said Mudha.

Ncube’s address has raised concerns about the safety of opposition members and the erosion of free speech in the country.

Last week Sikhala’s National Working Democratic Group held a press conference addressing threats against Sikhala stating that they are not intimidated by Mudha and Zanu-pf

Mudha has been publicly threatening Sikhala since his address at the Human Rights Summit in Geneva two weeks ago.

In response, Ostallos Siziba, a former CCC MP and loyalist to Nelson Chamisa, has defiantly stated that they will not be intimidated by Zanu-pf.

Siziba was recalled from parliament by Sengezo Tshabangu after winning in the 2023 general elections.