President Emmerson Mangagwa’s son Collins led the grand opening of the new ZANU PF district office, in Shurugwi.

Collins built the building in partnership with Cheng Xi Investments.

In an interview Collins said, “we are here today because of the sacrifices and vision of those who came before us, those brave souls who fought for our liberation, it is because of their efforts that we now enjoy the blessings of freedom and opportunity. The party that gave birth to our nation, the party that fought for our emancipation, was and is ZANU PF.

We are not only celebrating the opening of the new party office but also the empowerment that has been brought about by ZANU PF’s emancipation drive. We are living proof of its success, for we are products of its vision and sacrifice.

We are indebted to ZANU PF and to the generation of heroes and heroines who fought for our liberation in the 1st and Second Chimurenga. We owe it to them to continue their work, to build upon their legacy, and to make Zimbabwe a country that is prosperous.