WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media looks at the suspicious death of four Zimbabwe National Army Officer which has been viewwed as an assassination on officers that are aligedn to Zimbabwe Vice President, General Chiwenga.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.
1. State media reports last night said Shadreck Vezha survived an assassination attempt on Tuesday. This means that he could have died in hospital or is being kept somewhere secret.
2. The details of this accident will soon emerge.
3. In a statement. the Zimbabwe National Army revealed the officers as General Shadreck Vezha, Major Thulani Ncube, Major Mqondisi Gumbo and Sergent Chakabaiwa.
4. Circumstances sorroundig the accident are that Vezha who wa driVing, attempted to overtake an unidentified vehicle and oncroched onto oncoing traffic upon which he had a head on collission with an oncoming CX-5.
5. Four other senior military officers died in the accident.
6. Vezha was promoted to Brigadier General in February 2018 together with Wilfred Kamusikiri, Norman Matuvhunye, Joshua Chikanga, Joe Muzvidziwa and Ernst Shamu.
7. What could be the motive of the assassination?
8. Zimbabwe is now in a post Mnangagwa era.
9. Jostling for control is going to intensify, however, this will be done through the security structures and not within ZANU-PF.
10. A new political party has led by Michael Makaza been formed that is fronted by Pastor Edmore Marange, a leader is Apostle Chiwenga’s church.
11. Mnangagwa releases female prisoners.
12. ZIG starting to collapse on the black market.
13. New 2400 Megawatts Batoka Gorge project will soon be commencing. The project will result in a Hydo-electric power plant. the project worth USD4.5 Billion was previously awarded to Power Corp of China and General electric.