Businessman and friend of Zimbabwe Billionaire, Frank Buyanga, has been accused of rape by controversial activist, Sihle Sibisi.

Sihle is the founder Kwanele foudation. She also claims to have been raped by TB Joshua and says Tebeila was the late Prophet’ s right hand man.
Sihle claims the Sekoko Group founder raped her and other members at SCOAN and she has recordings of him admitting to it.
Tebeila has obtained a protection order against Sihle claiming she was extorting him for cash in return for her silence.
Tebeila told the Sunday World Newspaper that he knew Sihle from church. He said after she left the church, she called him with the allegations of rape and asked for a financial apology.

Sihle has been summoned to appear at the Randburg Magistrates court on February 8 2023 to show cause why the order should not be made permanent.