Business mogul and philanthropist Nigel Chanakira paid a visit to drug addicts at a local rehabilitation centre run by Savanna Madamombe.

Chanakira spent the day inspiri the addicts to not to give up as they have a second chance.

Savanna said: “I can not begin to express what it meant to have Dr Nigel M. K. Chanakira come and spend a day with some of the guys struggling with addiction as we well as inspire them to give themselves a second chance. The young social workers you inspired today said thank you

“My passion is giving Others an opportunity a second chance ,, I was given one
When someone is going thigh the lowest point in thier life.. they may just need to see someone like them showing them they are important.
Drugs are destroying lives, we need to restore dignity. You are my true hero. You found time to speak and share lunch.”

Chanakira praised Mamombe for the good initiative she came up with.

“What a privilege ‘‘twas my Sis Savanna. You and your team are doing a fabulous job in rehabilitating these fine youngsters. I learnt so much today about this REAL problem that we have in Zimbabwe and you are definitely offering solutions to this issue. No problem can be solved at the level it was created and you guys are right up there! 👌👍🙏🏿”