Biometrics Billionaire,  Julius Mwale (45) , a former airforce officer, talks to Mrs Trudy about how he fled Kenya to the USA in 2001 after he had problems with the army.

Mwale is the entrepreneur behind the multi billion Mwale medical and technology city. He has lived in America for over 20 year.

Mwale explains that all one needs is a vision.

He said he developed Biometric security systems that are being used by the banks refer to his parents that he developed in 2005.

Mwale is one of the first people to develop Biometric technology. He said when he started his company,  Biometrics was seen as intrusive.  In 2004 he worked with local legislators to effect changes to the law to allow the use of two factor authentication.

In 2007, he launched a feasibility study which concluded that millions of Kenyans are traveling to India for specialized treatment.

Mwale said he has built a hospital which will be seeing 12000 patients. By the end of 2022, the medical center will have 20 000.

The Mwale medical and technology city has 5 districts including an airport district,  golf district, residential and golf districts and a grid district which will have mansions.

There is an industrial district with the biggest solar plant which is now functional. The plaza district has the hospital and residential homes.

Please watch the video above this post for more details.