A Zimbabwean woman, Melissa Tate, has shocked Americans with her strange views about race.
Melissa is currently promoting her new book, Choice Privilege, and has been getting a lot of attention in the media.
Melissa spoke to Dr Carol M. Swain in an interview that exposed her extreme views, during which she blamed former President, Barrack Obama, for the divisions in America.
Melissa praised former President, Donald Trump, who she termed, the best President America has ever had.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.
Interview extract
Melissa Tate
Dr. Carol,
Dr Carol M Swaini
t’s my pleasure. Okay, and you from Zimbabwe?
Melissa Tate
Yes, correct. How
Dr Carol M Swain
How long have you been in America?
Melissa Tate
I’ve been in America for about I guess it’s about 18 years now.
Dr Carol M Swain
So you came as a teenager?
Melissa Tate
I came to the United States to attend college, so I came at the age of 19 from Zimbabwe to attend college, I ended up meeting my husband here and that’s why I ended up staying.
Dr Carol M Swain
So, where did you attend college?
Melissa Tate
In Missouri in Kansas City.
Dr Carol M Swain
And you’ve become very conservative very outspoken about America. And what you see taking place in race relations.
Melissa Tate
Yes I have. So I’ve actually always been conservative. I was raised in Zimbabwe in a very Christian conservative home which is very typical in Zimbabwe, most people are very Christian and conservative so when I came to the United States, I immediately kind of identified myself as a conservative kind of Republican person so just lately I’ve just kind of been noticing the racial rhetoric that has been taking place in the United States and it prompted me to write my book.
Dr Carol M Swain
Well, you know, when I look back over a much longer span of time about race in America. It seemed like we were making a lot of progress. And I would say that there was, optimism, especially when President Obama was elected, we talked about America being post racial, what happened?
Melissa Tate
Well that’s actually what I kind of noticed because when I came to the United States. This was probably around in 2003 There wasn’t really this racial tension in this whole racial rhetoric that was taking place in this nation. I only started noticing it maybe halfway halfway through President Obama’s administration that I started to hear this rhetoric of, you know, race and racism that’s when
Dr Carol M Swain
critical race theory really took off, then you get so much on the college campuses with political correctness microaggressions safe spaces trigger warnings. All of that nonsense.
Melissa Tate
And that’s what, that’s when I started noticing it and I was like, President Obama ran on wanting to bring the country together racially and I felt like during his administration that’s when I started to see more racial division and I think it was very much triggered by his rhetoric, so I feel like that’s kind of when there was a turn, the United States to what this kind of racism and racial division that started taking place within the nation
Dr Carol M Swain
So your awakening to America and its racial tensions, you started noticing. Back then, during the Obama years. When did you become so outspoken about it.
Melissa Tate
So, I mean I’ve been, I became more outspoken politically when President Trump’s started running. During the 2016 primaries or the 2015 primaries, initially I was very much, you know, being a conservative I was really excited about the 17 Republicans we had running I was very much in favor of Ted Cruz and Ben Carson, but it was during the first debate that I fell in love with President Trump, because I was, I just loved the way he stood up to the media and I thought okay this is the guy we need because he’s going to be the person who’s going to be able to stand up to the left, and the media in the entire establishment. So that’s when I started to become so I actually just joined Twitter because I wanted to follow him and kind of hear what he was saying because I was hearing on the news well. Candidate Trump tweeted this candidate Trump tweeted that so I was like, I need to follow this guy and hear what he’s saying for myself and once I got on Twitter and I started interacting with other conservative, and I started tweeting my own thoughts as well then I started growing a following and I kind of by default kind of became a social media influencer, I guess, by accident, a
Dr Carol M Swain
Pretty large following right?
Melissa Tate
Yeah, I have close to half a million followers now on social media.
Melissa Tate
I’m on Twitter I’m on Instagram and I’m also on Facebook and then I’m on also on Paller and telegrams, I’m kind of
Dr Carol M Swain
Did you have you experienced any lockout shutdowns or Facebook Jail.
Melissa Tate
Yes, absolutely I have. So I’ve actually been suspended from Twitter a few times, my Instagram account has been shadow banned, Facebook has already blocked a lot of my…
Dr Carol M Swain
I mean I have a sense of Facebook shadow ban, but how do you know your Instagram is Shadow banned?
Melissa Tate
Well, I just compare it to the kind of engagement that I had initially so you know having 82,000 followers on Instagram I expect a certain level of engagement and I did have that engagement but during the 2020 election I started noticing the engagement went way down, right, and now it’s all of a sudden it seems like it’s back up again so it seems
Dr Carol M Swain
You’re not a threat anymore, right, the election has been decided…
Melissa Tate
Exactly. So now everybody, everybody’s celebrating on Instagram because people can see their posts again right so yeah so it’s a, it’s a real sad commentary of the United States when you see the type of censorship and the type of suppression that is taking place of speech for any type of ideology or speech then doesn’t agree with the establishment in the establishment left.
Dr Carol M Swain
We know that Facebook apparently lifted its ban against political speech and I guess social position social causes, just last Friday and there’s so many people whose businesses have depended on that. So they really celebrating, and for conservatives like okay so we get banned for months. What do they think is gonna happen right before the 2022 election
Melissa Tate
its probably going to happen again.
Dr Carol M Swain
And, we all knew that President Trump’s Twitter account was gonna be shut down, it was just a matter of time.
Melissa Tate
Yes, absolutely. I mean, he’s the biggest threat to them so you know, him, him being silenced, on Twitter, is something that they’ve been wanting to do for a long time so
Dr Carol M Swain
what some people say that he had an opportunity while he was president to put an end to that section 230 That would have reigned in the big type of tech companies, and that he just believed that they would never ever, you know, shut down his account. And so he doesn’t have that opportunity now. Yes, to restrict them in any way.
Melissa Tate
Yeah, so, President Trump, you know, he was one of the greatest presidents that we’ve ever seen that we’ve had at least since Lincoln in my opinion and he accomplished a lot of things but I think that was kind of one of his blind spots when it came to censorship Internet censorship that he, he didn’t do as much as he could have done during the time that he had the power to do it and then also I think, you know just Republicans in general haven’t really hadn’t really seen it as a threat.
So I think a lot of people just don’t understand the power of social media, they didn’t understand the power of social media giants being able to suppress speech
Dr Carol M Swain
right and, hopefully, you know, more people are familiar with it now, and that they will begin to take action, but I’m not 100% optimistic that will be the case, we’re going to take a break and when we return, we’ll talk more about these issues.
Okay. We’ll be right back.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.