Prophet P Alpha has this evening delivered a death prophecy on four presidents. The popular Prophet said he saw the death of President s in countries starting with the letters A, N, S, and Z.

Full Prophecy

I saw trees.

A number of trees that can be counted that is countable.

And as I was looking at these trees. The trees were totally different from other trees.

These trees, they were fruit bearing trees.

I saw them.

And the voice said, I want you to look at these trees properly.

And I looked at them.

These trees were not small trees. They were huge trees, very huge trees. So as I was looking at these trees.

I saw them, giving out fruits like so fruits, coming out of them.

And these fruits were growing very fast.

All of them.

So as I continued to watch what is happening.

As the fruits were coming out and growing.

Now, it came in time now. When these fruits were starting to change color.

Like, it was a time, whereby they are ripe, or they are ready to be eaten.

Then, immediately I begin to see those foods, decaying and falling down.

And above one, I begin to see some of the trees, drying up. I saw the leaves falling down.

I saw them drying up, like they are afflicted with something. And some of them they dried, falling leaves, and they were left naked, no leaves nothing is there.

So that’s the vision that I have received.


I didn’t have anywhere to start to interpret or to say what God was trying to say to me, not even any starting point, even if it is yourself having such kind of a vision. What would you tell.

And the Lord give me a scripture, which is in the book of Second Kings.

God give me the parts of the Scripture, so that I can be able to interpret it according to what God says.

Therefore thus says the Lord, You shall not come down from the bed, to which we have grown up, but you shall surely die. So Elijah departed.

Well Brothers, this is the scripture that God has given me. Now, these Azia. He has taken over the throne of he become the king. More like a president, you fall from the lattice, and he becomes sick, knowing that he’s sick. And this situation needed God. He left God. He left the Prophet, he left the Divinity, he lifted the power of God. And you went to seek counsel to seek advice to seek direction from the evil god, the god of Accra.

And the angel of the Lord went to the Prophet and said, This is what ours is doing go and meet his messengers, told him that you shall not go down from that bed, you shall surely die.

Now, listen to me. Brothers and sisters, God said to me, I should tell the people all over the world, to engage in serious prayers because of presidents.

Listen to me, presidents, the trees. These are presidents bearing fruits. But I saw the fruits, decaying and falling down in some trees drying out before their time, before anybody enjoys the fruits from them.

So, because they are kings that God wants them to stop whatever they have done. They are kings that you’ve left the path of God.

They have left the will of God. They have left the vision of God. And because of that, they will not go down from the beds where they are. But the Lord is saying they shall surely die.

So I know the countries that I’m talking about. God is saying those president they need prayers. We need to pray for them so that they can begin to understand and pray to repent.

So, we must pray for certain countries all over the world why because I saw death of presidents, they’ll go on the sleeping bed.

I’m going to give a hint of the starting letters of few countries in some of the countries.

It will happen, and you will see it and you hear it, because I saw news, I saw it on the internet everywhere.

We must pray for the Presidents, that first letter I’m going to talk about his initials, we’ll start with the letter N. And from the nation that starts with the letter n will go to the nation and to start with the letter A, A, I saw a. And from that to go to this country, that starts with the letter S, S, so S. And from that, again, there is a country that starts with the letter. Zet. I’m going to leave it there for the meantime, but it is not only these countries.

They are a lot of them, because God opened a season to search around in the policies of the kings. To see the kinds of gold, where they are asking about, there is no welfares God you’ve opened a season to look around in the policies to see if the Kings offended by the sight of God, or by the sight of evil gods. And surely, if any king is to be found on the wrong side. Surely, they are going to die.

This is what the LORD have spoken. And I want you to understand that, I don’t want anybody to die, but I’m speaking is according to how God has given me.