ZANU-PF director of Information and publicity Tafadzwa Mugwadi says Fadzayi Mahere is desperate for political recognition, hence she was just picked from the streets to be the spokesperson person of the MDC A.

Speaking during a panel discussion hosted by Al Jazeera with Fadzayi Mahere and Dewa Mavhinga, Mugwadi said Zimbabwe is a peaceful nation however it is being disturbed by the opposition seeking significance in the political arena.

He added that MDC A invited sanctions against Zimbabwe thus the country is in a huge mess.

Meanwhile, human rights lawyer and political activist Mr Dewa Mavhinga said there is a humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe which the government is Ignoring.

He said people need food aid, there is massive corruption, health workers do not have enough PPEs to work, when people complain to demonstrations, the government deploys heavy handed state security to crush and crackdown on critiques.

There is an escalation of abuses and failure by the government to resolve the very genuine issues that citizens are voicing out.

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said she is one of the citizens who has witnessed state security forces brutality.

Mahere said she was arrested for staging a peaceful protest and a night in prison to which when her laywers suggested fumigate the cells they were denied to do so.

Mahere added that 161 people have been abducted, arrested, sexually harrassed and tortured by state security agents, Catholic bishops are called all sought of names for voicing their concerns thus Zimbabwe is in a serious crisis.