Watch as a relative narrates the sad story from Harare. Family members, as per custom, went to the grave at Mbudzi Council cemetery the next morning only to be confronted by an open grave.

The child’s body had disappeared from the grave. The body was later found a few yards away from the cemetery with some missing parts.

Police and the Criminal Investigations Department are still investigating the case.

Sekuru Luya Luya narrated the depressing incident of his grandchild who passed away after a short illness.

The child was staying with his maternal grandfather after the mother left for South Africa.

The child had died after attempts to treat him at a faith healer and hospital were not successful.

When the child died, the family collected the body without any post mortem being conducted.

When the body went missing, the family consulted a traditional healer who gave them some herbs to put into the grave and told them the body would eventually be found.

Police have since taken the mutilated body back to the hospital for a DNA test, but the family was struggling to raise the money required.