Ouster ZANU PF Youth leader Godfrey Tsenemangu today invited ED Mnangagwa and  Nelson Chamisa to open dialogue on the 21st of February.

He also announced a new apolitical program called Zimfirst which will kick off with a national youth day on the 14th of February. 

Addressing a press conference today, Tsenemangu denied the allegations of being used by different political factions to cause divisions.

He said he has since realised that the biggest problem in Zimbabwe is polarization and lack of unity. 

Tsenengamu said the 21 February meeting will be held at a venue to be advised and Police clearance will be obtained. Security will also be provided. 

Social media handles will be created for purposes of sensitising the public on corruption cases and how the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Council will be handling these issues.

Lewis Matutu was at ZACC to report on the cartels with enough evidence to bring them to book.

Tsenengamu said he has received death threats but he is not deterred and had given his lawyers all the information if anything happens to him.