Vice President Chiwenga is facing removal from power starting from today.

According to ZimEye, there are plans to oust General Chiwenga from power with Zanu-pf members demonstrating a build up to remove the general.

Plans to topple Chiwenga come amid the high court judge slammed the general for using the military for personal motives against his enstranged wife who he banned from being seen anywhere near their matrimonial home.

Zanu-pf members have started plotting the removal of Chiwenga however, reasons are not yet clear whether it is because of misuse of military power or there are other reasons.

Chiwenga is the mastermind behind the November 2017 coup which led to the ouster of late former President Mugabe.

Removing Chiwenga will grant ED Mnangagwa unlimited power to do whatever he deems necessary considering the constitutional ammendments at hand.