The following message that gives information on the owner of the number that sent threatening messages to Dr Peter Mugombeyi has gone viral.
This phone number (0786645911) used to text Dr Peter Magombeyi threatening to make him disappear belongs to one NAKISAI PETROS who comes from Mhizha village, Ward 4 under Chief Musana in Bindura, Mashonaland Central province.
Nakisai’s ID number is 05-142756B15.
Nakisai also uses these other four(4) @econetzimbabwe numbers.
Please @econetzimbabwe you are letting us down. Help identify & track this person who is responsible for the abductions of fellow citizens.
While the line used to text Dr Peter Magombeyi, 0786645911 belongs to Nakisai, it is not registered on @EcoCashZW.
Nakisai also used this line on 15 August 2019 to issues death threats to @MutasaPeter & the @ZctuZimbabwe leadership if they participated in the 16 Aug demo.
Nakisai’s other lines 0777692494, 0777374464 & 0783259160 are indeed registered on @EcoCashZW.
As such if @econetzimbabwe uses their basic systems they can help us find these criminals.
Let’s demand cooperation from @econetzimbabwe & Strive Masiyiwa.
Nakisai’s 0778360027 line is also registered on @EcoCashZW under the name ELMON MOSI. Elmon is clearly part of this gang.
With these digital footprints @edmnangagwa’s gvt can easily identify these thugs who are on a rampage abducting citizens if it were not complicit.
@PoliceZimbabwe, minister of @MoHCCZim Obadiah Moyo, Minister of State security Owen Ncube, @MinisterSBMoyo, minister Paul Mavhima & the rest of @edmnangagwa’s government must do their duty to protect citizens, investigate & stop politicking over Dr Peter Magombeyi’s life.