Sunday 15 September 2019
Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa
Combined Service
Chitungwiza Basilica
Title : The Kingdom of God is in Power
1 Corinthians 4 vs 20 and 21
For the Kingdom of God is not in words but in power . What will ye prefer….
After watching such a miracle you don’t need a Pastor to encourage you to thank God for something that I can vividly see.
God preaches through miracles.
The problem we have nowadays is that there,are fake miracles everywhere.
Be spiritual enough to discern the genuine things of God.
There things that even doctors can’t do.
It can never be that fast.
God is showing us another dimension
Even doctors would take months,but just over one night God perfoms such a miracle.
This is why I’m amazed with this kind of a God.
You will be sitting in heaven frowning like you are now. You will not find anything interesting.
Forget about your problems when you are in the house of God.
Its an introduction of a season.
Most people miss the season.
Move together with the move of God.
The power of God contained in one miracle can produce many other miracles.
The writer is talking about the location of the Kingdom of God. Where you seek the kingdom of God and you find it is in power.
The moment you understand this scripture. The miracles that you will see are bigger than what you have asked for.
Paul is saying the members of the church should decide the kind of the man of God that comes to church every Sunday.
Before he pays them a visit he says vote, determine my effectiveness.
It is the one who needs a miracle that decides the Kind of man of God.
People must learn to make a demand
Without a demand power doesn’t flow out of the man of God.
If a church service is a place you come to meditate on your problems you have a serious spirit (You are in a wrong place)
Don’t blame anyone for what is happening around you.
Decide how you want God to visit you.
In every man of God there is a rod and there is love.
If you want the man if God to be shouting everyday you can do that.(that’s being a rod)
Decide that you want the anointing of God in this man of God to work for you in this area.
Every single thing that you can look at your God was done in 6 days,how about your little miracle. Prepare yourself for something bigger.
It is them that have to choose the level of operation which is in you.
Which part of you do they want to exploit.
Make a decision that in my life I’m not alone God has given me a partner.
We can perform any kind of a miracle given the demand. Prepare for supernatural visitation and when Grace visits ask for anything and you will see it come to pass. Anything be it Hutana,Pfuma,Hupenyu. In the next days starting tonight prepare for a Devine encounter.
Give thanks to the lord