The EFF leader Julius Sello Malema has come out guns blazing on those who vilify Mugabe. Speaking to the media after his brief court appearance in Pretoria Hawks where he is facing charges of discharging a firearm in public.

The CIC did not mince his words

Lets remember Mugabe the best way we know how, If he is a villain to you dont impose that on us. Let’s remember him in different ways. What could be a hero to you may not be a hero to me. Wait until De Klerk dies he is going to look better than Mugabe according to these people who tell us who to celebrate and not, Im not the type.

The former ANCYL president who became more defiant after meeting Mugabe in 2011 has vowed to visit Zimbabwe and pay his last respect to the man he held high esteem throughout his career. Mugabe died in early hours of the morning on 6 September after succumbing to prostate cancer which has seen him in and out of hospital in Singapore over the years.

Watch video below by Newzroom Afrika