Popular award winning journalist, Hopewell Chin’ono will be back in the spotlight on Wednesday as he is a guest on Boss Salani.

Chin’ono’s space is titled: the struggle journalists and activists face in Zimbabwe.

Please watch the video above this post for more details.

– Zimbabweans have responded to Hopewell’s idea in a partisan manner.
– many Zimbabweans are happy to see movement
– There has been no formal response from the CCC except from Chamisa loyalists.
– Hopewell has not lost his huge following

1. There is need for Hopewell to put in place the proposed legal entity.
2. There is need for Hopewell to sell his ideas to prominent Zimbabweans
3. Anyone who steps into the leadership vacuum will succeed.

Key events for today

– Sengezo Tshabangu has joined a delegation to congratulate Mnangagwa on his SADC chairmanship.
– Zimbabwe prison services has launched an app for inmates to receive money, receive calls and online shopping. The app is called the commissary system.
– Visitors to the ZPS stand at the Harare Agricultural show will receive two more days of free visits to the family.