Former Citizens Coalition for Change member of parliament Job Sikhala has finally addressed Wicknell Chivayo’s US$40million ZEC scandal.

Taking to X, Sikhala said Zimbabweans should not just sit while politicians run the country as their own tuckshop.

He said:

There are things that we, as Zimbabweans, take as normal, but such things are so abhorrent in a normal civilised society. There is nothing funny about people who take Zimbabwe as if it’s their tuckshop. Corruption and the looting of our nation on the grand scale right on our glare and faces has been normalised.

Honestly, US$40 million just looted on the pretext of service provision to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), and we just look and take the situation as if it’s normal?? I remember that in 2020, Covid 19 was used as the looting avenue by the usual criminals. US$62 million was reportedly missing, which was intended to buy covid 19 protective masks and sanitisers.

When we raised this issue, the regime resorted to its default settings by arresting me, Jacob Ngarivhume, and Hopewell Chin’ono to silence everyone. The looters of the fund were protected and elevated to demigods by the criminal regime. Al Jazeera revealed the most despicable corrupt activities of the elite criminals looting our gold and our nation. This revelation came and went. Today, the dzviiii revelations are with us.

The false goat project looting vehicle has been laid bare to all of us. The question to ask all of us is, why is it looking normal that people can just loot and show us the middle finger? It is time we need to reflect whether we as leaders we are doing enough service to our nation. It is time that all those who have not received trinkets of the looting reject in unison the continued looting of our nation.

If there is anything that should bring us together as a nation, it is this relentless looting of our money by the criminal gang running our country