Watch as Gambakwe looks at the bizarre case in which Zimbabwe First Lady, Auxillia Mnangagwa forced villagers around Mudzi and Tokwe. American Doctor, Eric Rose has brough 22 medical staff to Zimbabwe.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.
Key events from yesterday
1. Mnangagwa left South Korea and travelled to Russia
2. Mnangagwa’s delegation left South Korea empty handed.
3. Mnangagwa’s delegation has returned home empty handed.
Key events for today
Mnangagwa to attend the four day 27th St Pietersburg International Forum
Mnangagwa travelling aimlessly from summit to summit
1. Mudzi and Kotwa villagers were rounded up from their homes around 3am and dumped at the centre where had her buses and some doctors.
2. Villagers were forced to perform various medical tests withput proper counselling.
3. After the program, villagers were for forced to dance to songs prainsing Mnangagwa.
4. Angel of Hope foundation worked with Dr Eric Rose who brought in 22 Doctors under the Zimbabwe care outreach program.
5. Zimbabwe Care is working with Auxillia Mnangagwa in spite of the fact that she is on US sanctions and this is a violation of US law.
6. Zimbabwe care is not funded by the US government and its likely that their programs in Zimbabwe are being funded by Auxillia Mnangagwa.
7. CIO private companied have been unearthed in the latest Sentry report. These include companies in the mining and logistics sectors. The named companies include Terresstial hodings, Terrestiarial mining, Whitelime mining, Sino ZImbabwe Development and Sino Zimbabwe Development and Sino Zimbabwe holdings, Sino Zimbabwe Diamonds, Terestial Safaris, Rudgold Investments, Chimanimani logistics and Todware Investments.
8. Ownership details of the companies are not up to date or are missing at the Companies registry.
9. Dyck was 80 years old.
10. He was the founder of Minetech International which was heavily involved in de-mining activities.
11. In 2012, Dyck founded DAG, a mercenary group that fought Mozambique extremists.
12. ZNCC annual congress between 24 and 28 June
13. South Africa GNU crisis as parties differ on policies.
14. MK party has now met with the ANC.
15. The new parliament has to convene within two weeks of Sunday’s results announcement, 16 June 2024.
16. The DA has indicated that it does not want to join a government that includes the EFF and the MK.
17. Ginimbi’s father Andeson Kadungure accuses Moana’s father Ishamael Amuli of lying.
18. Josesh Nemaise now representing armed robbers, Paul Ernst Mazenge Zhou and two South Africans who were arrested in a shoot out with police at a Harare lodge while planning to rob Kwekwe businessman Paul Chimbodza.
19. Socialite, Godknows Machingura was killed in the shootout.