WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the continous attempts by Auxiliia Mnangagwa to keep power in her family. Auxilia Mnangagwa, Kuda Mnangagwa, Emmerson Junior will be on the campaign trail this week as they attempt to convince the rural community that her sons are suitable to take over as presidential candidates.

Please watch the video above this post for more details.

Key events from yesterday

1. South Africa’s IEC announced their national elections results
2. South Africa to form it first coalition government after the ANC’s first loss of power.
3. ANC says they will not entertain any political party that demands the resignation of Ramaphosa as a bargaining point.
4. MK and EFF has more votes than the DA, that’s the trend

Key events from today

1. Mnangagwa has arrived in South Korea.
2. Mnangagwa traveling in new chartered jet

3. Kuda Mnangagwa the keynote speaker at the Capital summit in Nyanga.

Key events tomorrow

Zimbabwean delegation to arrive in South Korea.


1. Auxillia Mnangagwa spent time campaigning in the Midlands Province.
2. Auxillia was accompanied by her son, Emerson Mnangagwa Junir.
3. McDonalds employee , Clement Seothaengsentenced to an effective 13 years in Jail after trying to extort the company.
4. Auxillia Mnangagwa is also the climate change ambassador, Women’s ambassador and phillanthropic ambassador.
5. Tatenda Mavetera is with Mnangagwa in South Korea
6. 14 000 drug users arreated in Zimbabwe over the past 15 months.
7. SDA has opened Rehab centres
8. Zimpapers launches app to provide all its newspapers in an app
9. Mutapa Investment fund is looking for Head Analysts
10. Tino Kadewere says he is not concerned about criticism of his performance in Warrors colours.
11. Vernon Masara has signed a two year contract with Burnley. The young Zimbabwean has scored 21 goals i all competitions and has been named Academy Player of the Year.
12. Nigel Tadiwa Maisiri (30) is on the run after sending a video that he recorded with his ex-girlfriend on social Media.
13. Nigel recorded the video with his ex-girlfriend at a lodge at Machipisa shopping centre in Higfields.


1. Auxillia Mnangagwa is a publicity junkie.
2. Her Angel of hope foundation is a campaign platform and a platform to try and campaign for her sons to take over as Zimbabwe President.
3. Angel of Hope foundation is ironically stepping in where the social welfare service has failed.