WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the bizarre case in which Mugabe’s belongings worth over $500 000 have been stolen from locked and sealed containers. Out of the stolen property, only property worth $2000 has been recovered.

Please watch the video above this post for more details


Grace Mugabe was shocked to find that most of the property that had the belongings of the late former Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe has been looted.

The property, which was in containers, included Mugabe’s clothes.

While four workers appeared in court yesterday accused of stealing property worth USD 500 000, It appears there has been a systematic ransacking of Mugabe’s belongings which are being kept in 11 sealed and locked containers.

What has been recovered do not correspond with the stated amount of USD 500 000.


Opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, who has been keeping a low profile and appearing to issue statements after long periods appears to have been unaware that SADC executive secretary, Elias Magosi was in Zimbabwe this week.

Gambakwe Media sources expressed concern that the Mnangagwa government is somehow preventing opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa from travelling outside Zimbabwe to launch a diplomatic offensive.

In his press briefing yesterday, Chamisa did not mention the recent visit to Zimbabwe by SADC executive secretary, Elias Magosi.

While appealing to SADC, Chamisa has not travelled outside the country to meet any leader since the 2023 elections. Chamisa has also not launched his movement after making announcements to that effect.


1. Mnagagwa has been searching for Mugabe’s traditional staff since the coup.
2. Grace Mugabe will use the court case to keep the belongings of Mugabe in the containers as they are evidence.
3. It appears there has been a systematic ransacking of Mugabe’s property while looking for Mugabe’s mysterious staffs and other traditional artefacts.
4. Starlink will starting operating officially in Zimbabwe at the end of August.
5. The entry of Starlink will have a massive impact on Econet and other fibre providers whose services have bee extremely expensive.
6. Gambakwe to start offering free public hotspots starting in Harare.
7. Chiwenga visits Russian embassy to sign the book of conolenses.
8. Chamisa indicates that SADC has not responded to the letters that he sent to them with a clear action.
9. The next course of action will be from ordinary Zimbabweans.
10. Discussion have been held with Chiefs, churches and even Mnangagwa.
11. Mnangagwa has refused to have dialogue.
12. Mnangagwa is continuing with brazen corruption
13. Justice Muremba dropped Neville Mutsvangwa case after a meeting with Mnangagwa, Ziyambi Ziyambi and Monica Mutsvangwa on Wednesday last week at State House.
14. Wicknell Chivayo supplied ZEC with materials worth over USD 40 million.
15. Esau Mupfumi has been granted bail.
16. 4 CIO agents granted bail for extortion after they demanded USD10 000 from a fuel dealer claiming that they were taking the money to Mnangagwa.
17. Eleph Khumbula Gula Ndebele out on $200 bail after being found in possession of cocaine inside Zimbabwe state house.
18. Special voting started in South Africa. A voter can only vote at their original polling station.
19. 2 MK Party members shot dead while campaigning after an altercation with a member of the ANC.
20. Powerful flue hits Southern Africa.


1. Mugabe property has likely already been used for rituals.
2. Mnangagwa has ran out of cash and is now desperately raising cash from various illicit deals.
3. There will be no peace when there is rigging.
4. Zimbabwe will see massive protests during the SADC summit.
5. Mnangagwa will not be allowed to become SADC chair with the dispute not yet resolved.