WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the vicious fight between Zimbabwe First lady, Auxillia Mnangawa and Vice President, General Constantino Chiwenga.
Media reports this week revealed that Auxillia Mnangagwa has been calling various media outlets such as Herald and ZBC instructing them not to provide media coverage to General Chiwenga.
Senior security officials and cabinet ministers are no longer willing to work with Auxillia Mnangagwa who is accused of being abusive when she does not get her way.
However, the instruction by Auxillia of State owned media houses not to cover Chiwenga is directly linked to her plan to get her sons to succeed Mnangagwa as President.
Two weeks ago, Auxillia allegedly called information minister Jenfan Muswere and demanded that Jackie Gwemende be removed as ZBC’s acting head of news. Among other things, she was accused of doing a feature on Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s farm and giving his wife Miniyothabo “too much coverage”
This revelation is likely to further strain relationships between Mnangagwa and Chiwenga and increase the suspicion between the two.
Auxillia now going up against everyone, media, security and staff.
Events this past week
Mnangagwa was in Bulawayo for the opening of the Bakers INN $USD30 million plant that will produce 160 000 loaves of bread a day with only 12 workers.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.
1. Wicknell Chivayo has reportely bought the mansion of the former police commissioner, Augustine Chihuri. The mansion is located in the Harare suburb of Gletwyn on 30 acres of land. It is reportedly valued at over USD$7 million. The mansion in Chishawasha hills has features such as multiple bedrooms, sitting spaces, outdoor and indoor living rooms, Master bedroom, kids and guest bedrooms and expansive hallways connecting the various wings. Chivayo also featured a portrait of his father.
2. The house has been renovated and has new furniture from South African company, Norman Bakos.
3. The mansion, which was returned by state in 2020, was originally seized from Chihuri when he fled Zimbabwe during the coup.
5. Chivayo commissioned a Harare company to make a video of his new acquisition.
6. Neville to appear in court for another bail hearing on Wednesday. Kasukuwere’s lawyer, Jacqueline Sande is also representing Neville.
7. Sandi Moyo granted state assisted funeral.
8. Correctional Officer six months officer course graduates.
9. Police Commissioner General Moses Chihobvu and Ziyambi Ziyambi officiated at the graduation event while the local community was also invited.