WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the launch of the new Zimbabwe structured currency and Chamisa’s renewed call for dialogue.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.
Topics in the video.
1. Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has spoken on the new currency.
2. RBZ govenor Mushayavanhu only reveals Zimbabwe has managed to stockpile 1 tonne of gold over 2 years.
3. Overnight the Zimbabwe government now says they have 2.5 tonnes of Gold
4. Chamisa says what is happening in Zimbabwe is due to the rigged elections.
5. Chamisa has once again called for dialogue.
6. Chiwenga appears at the Kamungoma shrine in Gutu
7. Chiwenga deliberately avoided going to Mbungo last week
8. Mohadi and Chwienga jostling over influence over key prtiolios
9. Chiwenga not at the gold inspection at the RBZ.
10. Massive divisions characterise the top leadership of ZANU-PF.
11. New Zimbabwe currency will fail immediately. The Zimbabwe government has no money.
12. Mbudzi interchange project stuck with no progress since last month.
13. Mercy Ndoro CEO of Dairiboard and Chairperson of FBC Microplan has been featured.
14. Zimbabwe military underfunded.
15. Zimbabwe spent only USD 100 million on its military in 2023 according to the report by the ISS which is titled Military balance 2024.
16. SADC visits Maisis to speak on his victimisation of Ian Khama
17. Masisi accuses South Africa and eStwatini of aiding Khama.