politician, Job Sikhala has been released today. The group that is loyal to Chamisa told Gambakwe Media that Sikhala is a consiered a ZANU-PF project.

Chamisa did not tweet about Sikhala

Job Sikhala refused to say if he would join Chamisa

1. Fadzayi Mahere, Chibaya and Ostallos did not attend
2. Promise Mkwananzi not President.
3. Chamisa has not given any direction.
4. Timba now the most senior person left in the party after Mkwananzi and Dubeko.
5. No MPs attended.
6. Tendai Biti to attend standing committee meeting tomorrow.
7. Appointments that will be made are as follows:

Tendai Biti – President
Sengezo Tshabangu – Secretary General
Welshman Ncube – 1st Vice President
Karenyi Kore – 2nd Vice President
Job Sikhala – Chairman
Hwende – Vice Chairman
Legal Secretary – Jacob Mafume

– The group led by Phugeni has been sidelined.
– Mbuso Siso threatens to take the party back to Mwonzora.
– There is a possibility of a grand coalition under Biti to feature the rest of the old MDC leaders.


1. Biti will lead CCC in a different direction.
2. CCC will get a lot of international support.
3. Chamisa will not feature again in Zimbabwean politics.
4. Mahere did not feature on promise’s congress.
5. Job Sikhala has to move fast.
6. if you don’t see Chamisa taking a photo with Chamisa then you will know something bad has happened.