Media personality Tinopona Katsande has advised women to normalise getting body check to avoid keeping deadly diseases spreading all over the body without knowing.
This comes Katsande is recovering from cancer which almost took her life.
She said:
…. as I continue on my road to 100 % healing and restoration…
I often feel my whole body just so fatigued its so frustrating because it stops me from getting chores or , duties fulfilled or getting, commitments done . I often feel
dizziness, , or light-headedness, kunge ndirikuda kufenda.
I feel palpitations kunge zvaita amai vangu who suffered from high BP
Also my skin gets pale and I have shortness of breath just from doing something so simple like bathing the boys .
I get panic / anxiety attacks especially during the night when everyone is asleep, and there is nothing but the sound of the fridge humming in the kitchen or the dogs barking mad crazy at some ungodly hour next door.
I wonder to myself, all drenched in a sweat, afraid to exhale too loud incase I wake up someone and next the whole house is up in a panic 🤦🏽♀️, ” nhai Mwari asi Cancer iya taranto kuenda zvachose? “
I fear ” what if the cancer is quietly spreading to other parts of my body isu tichifunga iri muchibereko chete. ”
I cry , ” weduwee todzoka to chemo futi here nhayi Jehovah…. “
At the moment ” handina ropa rakakwana ” so to speak . I need IRON in my body. Its a side effect from the cancer and just has to be monitored well through regular check ups.
Iron is one of the minerals in the human body. It is one of the components of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that helps blood carry oxygen throughout the body. So , kana usina enough iron, your body cannot make hemoglobin, and you may develop anemia. This is known as iron-deficiency anemia, the most common type of anemia.
Cancer or not vazhinji that suffer from some sort of anemia and most of us don’t even know it until something major happens.
We or rather I, recently lost a most supportive “fan ” that I believe was on the road to being a really good friend of mine had death not stolen her so prematurely. 💔 , AFRIKANA , a most beautiful Queen soul from Bulawayo , passed on the 25th of June .She collapsed suddenly in her home . The Post mortem said she suffered an anemic shock Now, . Even tho she was going about her daily life , feeling faint apo ne apo and experiencing some of the symptoms I shared above, many would not have known she had a health problem , infact I doubt she even knew just how serious it had gotten to at the time of her passing. Her hemoglobin was so low, at that exact point in her life her heart just didn’t have enough blood to pump and she just collapsed and died.
If you are a woman who has a condition that causes excessive or constant bleeding, it could be nyaya yeJeko, or fibroids , or endometriosis or whatever gynecological condition, please go to your GP and get your iron levels checked out , especially if you experience tuma symptoms like I have indicated above .
Terera ma body changes mumuviri mako. Your body often gives you signs , through symptoms that pane something chiri off side mu system. STOP saying ” haa ndozvandinomboita , its normal …” because IT IS NOT NORMAL.
Normalize going to doc for general body check ups vasikana 🇿🇼.
That quick general check up could very well save your life .